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The Eyre Peninsula: A case study of effective adaptation policy making and support
The Eyre Peninsula Integrated Climate Change Agreement (EPICCA) has developed a regional adaptation plan building on past climate change planning work and incorporating an adaptation pathways analysis
Farming, business, local government and natural resource management sectors on the Eyre Peninsula have been preparing for the challenge of climate change for at least the past decade - commissioning studies and partnering with research organisations to better understand the impacts of climate change and explore adaptation options. In 2013, the Eyre Peninsula Integrated Climate Change Agreement (EPICCA) commenced the development of the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Eyre Peninsula, building on past climate change planning work in the region. Development of the Plan combined new methods for adaptation planning, including the use of decision timelines and adaptation pathways analysis. Learnings from development of the Plan include the value of focussing regional leaders on a discussion about decision making in relation to climate change, rather than just vulnerability. Furthermore, the use of an adaptation pathways approach can cut through the complexity of adaptation planning by considering how to sequence the implementation of adaptation options and therefore spread investment decisions.