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29 July 2016

The Brown Brothers wine making company has adapted to rising temperatures by heading south, to Tasmania’s east coast.

22 July 2016

In early June 2016, storms lashed Australia’s east coast, bringing heavy rain, flooding, strong winds and huge waves.

15 July 2017

For those lucky enough to attend the NCCARF-CSIRO Climate Adaptation conference in Adelaide last week, it was an opportunity to catch up on latest developments...

8 July 2016

Roads and drainage systems in Vanuatu are being upgraded to cope with likely rainfall variations associated with climate change. 

1 July 2016

The ‘Rocky Horror show’ does not have to be a description of your local beach in future. Adapting to climate change can be almost as simple as just a jump to the left; and then a step to the right.

17 June 2016

There’s a heap of reasons people aren’t adapting to climate change. But the main barriers relate to local action being limited by a lack of clear policy at higher levels of government. 

10 June 2016

Australia’s leading climate scientists have spent years probing how climate will change in order to help communities, businesses and sectors understand what is likely to happen in coming decades.

3 June 2016

Adapting to climate change can be daunting. You need to look at the big picture. And there are so many seemingly good reasons not to act. 

27 May 2016

Climate change: it’s not happening tomorrow, but it will happen. One council environmental officer discusses how climate adaptation became a central issue for council.

31 March 2016

For centuries, people in coastal areas have battled to keep the sea at bay – especially during storms and king tides. Sea walls are one option. But they are expensive and can create environmental problems.