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22 April 2016

While many Aussie icons may be affected by climate change, prolonged heat may also affect our everyday icons – like our lifestyle and the ‘great Aussie backyard’. 

20 May 2016

For thousands of years, the world’s coral reefs have experienced relatively stable environments. No longer.

13 May 2016

As Australian marine creatures head south in response to warming seas, researchers have identified a range of tools that can be used by councils to test adaptation options...

6 May 2016

Coastal councils report they often feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to legal liability: legal risk exists no matter what planning decision they make. 

29 April 2016

Local icons that are within a cooee of the beach could be lost to rising sea levels. Rising water levels also may threaten nationally significant heritage areas.

15 April 2016

Last summer, temperatures around the world showed an unusual upward spike. Globally, February was more than a degree warmer than usual...

8 April 2016

When a coastal town faces increased flooding, what comes next must come from the community.