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Case studies - Queensland

CoastAdapt provides a compendium of case studies from Australia and abroad to illustrate what coastal practitioners and decision makers are doing to adapt to a changing climate. They describe real-world adaptation planning and actions and provide insights into lessons learned, effective strategies and potential pitfalls. Case studies in CoastAdapt are organised under 13 categories to help you find something to match your interests. There are brief snapshots, longer full case studies and engaging videos.

Real-life test cases of CoastAdapt performance


North Queensland Airports has undertaken an internal risk screening and risk assessment process using the mapping tools and guidelines published in CoastAdapt to better understand current and future climate risks to both Cairns and Mackay airports

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Cairns Council undertook a test case project using CoastAdapt resources to learn more about how climate change may be expected to influence the risk of Ross River virus and to improve virus management

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Noosa Council used CoastAdapt to identify existing knowledge gaps, determine funding allocation, and look at how, when and what conversations are needed with internal stakeholders, the community and topic experts

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Data and information provision


Townsville City Council has gathered and developed data sets in undertaking their Coastal Hazard Assessment Strategy to help prioritise action, resourcing and timing for adaptation

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Extreme events


This snapshot highlights the importance of a sense of community and small grants when recovering from an extreme event, based on the floods that affected a retail centre in Brisbane during the 2011 floods

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Recovery following severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi was rapid and efficient with numerous examples of community and local government leadership in disaster resilience

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Peak flood levels from flooding in 2008 are now being used by the Mackay council in the calibration of flood studies to ensure that there are no surprises if similar rainfall events occur in the future

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A case study of a tropical fruit orchard affected by cyclone Marcia in 2016 provides an example of how management strategies can help prepare farms and secure on-farm infrastructure

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This case study examines the process led by the Torres Strait Regional Authority, in partnership with state agencies, the Torres Strait Island Regional Council and researchers to examine coastal risks and develop adaptation responses

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Three Aboriginal Shire Councils in Far North Queensland, Hope Vale, Wujal Wujal and Yarrabah, explore options for building capacity to adapt to sea-level rise and climate change using traditional management practices and modern tools like CoastAdapt

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Queensland Urban Utilities, the provider of water and wastewater services to Brisbane, has undertaken a substantial climate-flood resilience and adaptation initiative that includes a major risk assessment study, and a subsequent capital works programme

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The second runway at busy Brisbane Airport is being built 1.5 m higher than regulations dictate to take into account risks associated with storm surge and sea-level rise

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The Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypass Project provides an example of how engineering can work with natural processes to accommodate multiple, and sometimes competing, priorities for coasts and beaches

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Natural environment


This snapshot describes a project in the Wet/Dry Tropics of Far North Queensland that incorporates the potential forces of sea-level rise and storm surge on the distribution and persistence of littoral rainforests, which will help to guide its management into the future

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Planning for adaptation


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Queensland Government and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation have developed and implemented a series of strategies, programs and plans with the aim of protecting the Reef and increasing its resilience to climate change

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