Adaptation activities need to be informed by the best available science, but sometimes urgent action requires weighing up risks.
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CoastExchange Feature Articles
You may not be aware, but infrastructure is highly interdependent. Utility managers need to understand where these cross-dependencies are and how to deal with them.
As avid users of CoastAdapt, we fear that the impacts of climate change can damage tourism destinations and divert tourists elsewhere. But what do tourists think?
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Adaptation Programme’s Dr Xianfu Lu was a keynote speaker at the Climate Adaptation 2016 conference...
At the Climate Adaptation conference in Adelaide this year, a Tasmanian coastal management decision tool was presented that could help local land managers...
With the public launch of CoastAdapt earlier this year, state governments, coastal councils, NGOs and community groups have ready access to a wealth of information to help adapt to climate change.
Australian researchers are protecting democracy by helping ensure that Samoa’s new parliament house will withstand natural hazards.
It can be a challenge to clearly and concisely communicate a message to get communities interested in action.
During the 1970s, something strange happened to the weather around Perth. It became much drier.
It’s one thing to read about coastal erosion in the Northern Territory, but it’s more gripping to see the way that the ocean’s energy is carving away coastal waterfronts.
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